International Arbitration
Our lawyers have extensive experience of conducting arbitrations in London and abroad. We act for clients in commercial arbitration and investor/state disputes across a variety of arbitral forums, especially (but not exclusively) where the substantive or procedural law of the arbitration agreement is English or that of another common law jurisdiction.
We represent high net worth individuals, companies, institutional corporations and sovereign states / state owned entities in international commercial arbitration conducted under the rules of all major arbitral institutions, including the LCIA, ICC, SCC, SIAC, HKIAC, AAA and LMAA. Additionally, we conduct ad hoc arbitrations.
We also regularly act in relation to separate arbitral challenges and/or in domestic proceedings concerning enforcement or jurisdiction issues arising from an arbitral award. We are experienced in enforcing arbitral awards across the world, whether under the New York Convention or through local procedures in other jurisdictions.
Our team members have conducted and advised on claims under bilateral investment treaties and other instruments for both investor claimants and for States.
Acting for the Province of Balochistan (part of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan) in Commercial Court proceedings concerning an underlying ICC arbitration arising from a gold and copper mining dispute in Pakistan with Tethyan Copper Company Pty Limited (an Australian joint venture company owned by Barrick Gold Corporation and Antofagasta Plc). The dispute is valued at approximately US $6bn. Province of Balochistan v Tethyan Copper Company Pty Limited [2021] EWHC 1884 (Comm)
Acting for Iranian investors against The Republic of Korea in respect of the state’s unsuccessful challenge to an arbitration award made in favour of the investors arising from unlawful termination of the investment agreement. The Republic of Korea v Dayyani & Ors [2019] EWHC 3580 (Comm)
Acting on a challenge in the Commercial Court against an arbitral tribunal’s award on jurisdiction, involving a claim against Kazakhstan. Ruby Roz Agricol LLP v The Republic of Kazakhstan [2017] EWHC 439 (Comm)
Acting for a state-owned company in an ICC arbitration claim with a value of USD 215m arising out of a breach of contract and its unlawful treatment as a minority shareholder in a joint venture company.
Acting for a UK holding company of assets in Russia and Poland as Claimant in LCIA arbitration proceedings involving claims for fraudulent misrepresentation, breach of warranties and breach of implied terms, following its acquisition of a Russian business from a UK FTSE 100 company.
Acting for a leading Greek energy production and supply company as Claimant in LCIA arbitration proceedings against a subsidiary of a multinational conglomerate involving claims for breach of contract arising from the supply of a defective steam turbine rotor.
Acting for a UK based engineering company in a very substantial dispute relating to the construction of four accommodation platforms for a UAE based company.
Acting for a major Russian insurance company in LCIA arbitration proceedings in respect of construction claims arising from its sales of a substantial commercial real estate development to a major German company.
Acting for a European property company in arbitration proceedings before the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce arising from a failed commercial real estate development in Moscow.
Advising a Russian owned UK based commodities company in a claim against a state-owned Indonesian company for breach of a long-term supply agreement for nickel ore.
Acting for a Chinese glue manufacturer in a London arbitration claim against its supplier of technology and purchaser of glue products for breach of contract.
Acting for a Bulgarian producer of non-ferrous metals in four substantial commodities arbitrations against a global trading business.
Acting for a Moldovan oil and gas exploration company in relation to a dispute with a Canadian provider of seismic survey services arising from a project in Southern Sudan.
Acting for an Italian shipyard in relation to a substantial defects and non-conformity claim brought by the buyer of a luxury superyacht.

Commercial Litigation
Gresham Legal acts for both claimants and defendants in all types of commercial litigation before the Higher Courts in England & Wales. We have substantial expertise across our service areas and a proven track record of success in complex and high value cases.
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